Rolling Stone Farm I 2010 Hanoverian fall inspection and MPT in VA
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Lhuau- top scoring Hanoverian mare ribbon

Lhuau- free trot

Lhuau- conf

Lhuau- trot under saddle

Regalia- conf

Regalia- trot under saddle

Regalia- free jump

Regalia- walk
2010 Hanoverian fall inspection and MPT in VA  
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Two more Elite Mare Candidates for Rolling Stone Farm- Lhuau and Regalia PWF

Lhuau was named Top Inspection score young mare and was the high score for the day. Regalia was second by just a few points for highest MPT score. 

The Mid Atlantic Hanoverian Breeders Club hosted the largest inspection for the AHS for the 2010 tour on November 7 & 8. Both mares really did well. The judges were very tough in their scoring. It would have been nice to have had a judge from Germany. The quality of the mares was high. Lhuau scored a 7.33 on inspection with a 9 for the head, 8's for saddle position, typiness/femininity, and impulsion at the trot for an overall score of 7.33. In the MPT, she received a 7.25, the third highest score for the day. Regalia received a 7.0 for her inspection with a shockingly low 7 for her walk (it is a 9). She received a 7.53 for her MPT with an 8.5 in rideability. They will keep their Elite Mare Candidate title for a while, since I plan on taking their future foals to the GOV for registration. This brings the total number of EM's, EMC's, SPS, Verbands Premium and Special mares produced and/or owned by Rolling Stone Farm to 39!!!!!

Two more Elite Mare Candidates for Rolling Stone Farm

Rolling Stone Farm I Foals