Rolling Stone Farm I Lladra
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Lladra (Jayne Toering Photo)
Hanoverian Mare  
sire   Loerke      
dam   Aries (Adios III)
Color: Chestnut   Date of Birth:  

Suitability: Dressage
Video:     Markings:  Blaze, RF sock and LH stocking 
Breeder: Katherine Dauphin, Marshall, VA Owner: Katherine Dauphin, Marshall, VA

Lladra (Lörke-Aries/Adios III), bred and owned by Katherine Dauphin, Marshall, Va., became the Champion mare of the very large and high quality inspection with a final score of 7.66. This score tied her for the sixth-best mare seen during the 2004 summer and fall inspections. 

For her walk and trot presentation she received an 8 and a 9. She also received 8's for her conformation and for her typiness and femininity.

The next day at the Mid Atlantic Hanoverian Breeder's Club Mare Show and MPT, she passed her Mare performance test with a 7.22 and is now an Elite Mare Candidate. She was also used a demonstration horse at the 2004 USDF Dressage Symposium in Lexington, KY. She demonstrated her rideability and trainability as a green broke horse in front of a large crowd.

Show Results

At the CBLM Finals in Lexington, VA on 10/23-26/2008, Lladra was ridden by Victoria Jessop. They won the CBLM Finals competition at First Level test 3 with a 73.857%.

Rolling Stone Farm I Foals